Barcode Inspection

Barcodes are an integral part of most packages and their correctness and readability are vital for the label printer. Many print problems in bar-codes can be detected by Alis and ODRI inspection systems with standard inspection algorithms. The barcode is inspected as a printed pattern and the inspection system does not decode the contents of the code.

The Barcode module adds decoding capability to Alis and ODRI inspection systems. Concurrently with the standard print quality inspection, barcodes are scanned, decoded and evaluated using the same procedures as in a bar-code scanner. The decoded clear text values are checked for correctness and recorded, bar-code print quality is evaluated. Should any of these checks fail, the label is flagged as defective. The system checks all barcodes passing under the camera.

In addition to static value bar codes, the Barcode module can decode and verify sequential codes. This functionality can be further extended with a database server for inspection and logging of non-sequential codes (value lists). The decoded values are stored in data files and can be exported for further processing.

The Barcode inspection module is fully integrated in Nikka’s electronic job ticket interface. The job description file can provide the bar-code expected code values in clear text, quality criteria, rules for sequences and external links to database files. In this way the verification of the barcode is fully automated, greatly reducing the risks from manual configuration.

List of supported symbologies:

Products supporting Barcode decoding module (* optional, minimal bar code size dependent on camera resolution).